Acronyms and User Guidelines
This page introduces users with the terminologies related to our workflow and also provides with a guideline to smooth processing of their data through a User guidelines section.
Acronyms and Definitions
- DL - Deep Learning
- WES - Whole Exome Sequencing
- WGS - Whole Genome Sequencing
- MHC - Major Histocompatibility Complex
- pMHC - Peptide-MHC Complex
- TCR - T-cell Receptor
- BCR - B-cell Receptor
- HLA - Human Leukocyte Antigen
- CDR3β - Complementarity-Determining Region Beta
- TME - Tumor Microenvironment
- RV - Reverse Vaccinology
- TESLA - Tumor Epitope Selection Alliance
- NGS - Next-Generation Sequencing
- SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
- Indel - Insertion or Deletion
- AUC - Area Under the Curve
- AUPRC - Area Under Precision-Recall Curve
- TPM - Transcripts Per Million
User Guidelines
Strictly follow the file formats and naming conventions provided here to get your result :
- Input paired-end FASTQ files should be named as: example_1.fastq.gz, example_2.fastq.gz
- Find example paired-end sequencing files here : File1 File2
- Input BAM file should be named as: example.bam
- Find example bam file here
- For TCR-peptide bindings, input should be a txt file with 2 columns, peptide followed by TCR regions separated by a tab. No headers required.
- Find example TCR-peptide pair file here
If you have questions about additional terminology, please contact our support team at (