Example Result on TESLA Patient 12
We have provided the zip files containing the result of our analysis on TESLA (Patient 12).
File Formats of our results are described below:
- multiqc_report.html: Multiqc Report of processed read files
- hla_list.txt: List of detected HLAs
- cdr3aa.out: Detected cdr3-beta regions
- unique_NetMHC_filtered_peptides.csv: Neoepitodes showing high HLA affinity
- tcr_epitope_prediction.csv: TCR affinity of the epitopes
- DeepPROTECTNeo_combined_result.csv: Final epitopes with their HLA pair, HLA affinities, TCR region, TCR affinity, BCR affinity
If you have questions regarding our process, please contact our support team at (debrajccds@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in).